%0 Journal Article %T Implementation of Signal Processing in Stereo-Scopic Active Sonar Using Heterodyne System %A BOKHARI Syed Umar %A KHAN Muhammad Zahid %J Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering %D 2012 %I Editura Universit??ii din Oradea %X ¡°SONAR¡± is an acronym for sound ranging and navigation. It uses sound waves to detect an object in the surroundings and calculate its distance. This device has a very important applications in shipbuilding industry and military systems. Moreover it¡¯s also being extensively used in deep sea research of new species of plants and minerals, where it is practically impossible for humans to go. The most important feature of this system is the usage of ultrasonicfrequency to detect objects that are important for data collection or detection. Transmitting an ultra sonic frequency using an electronic oscillator is not a very difficult task, the real challenge is to design a reciever that could carry out a particular modulation technique to convert an ultra-sonic frequency to an audiblefrequency. In this paper, we propose aseteroscopic active SONAR proto-type. Further, we performed a seriers of expeirments using modulation techniques. The results obtained from the experiments gives us a braod understanding of the different behaviour of asignal. %K SONAR %K Signal Processing %U https://electroinf.uoradea.ro/images/articles/CERCETARE/Reviste/JEEE/JEEE_V5_N2_OCT_2012/Bokhari%20oct2012.pdf