%0 Journal Article %T A Comparative Study of Impact Series FACTS Devices on Distance Relay Setting in 400 kV Transmission Line %A ZELLAGUI Mohamed %A CHAGHI Abdelaziz %J Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering %D 2012 %I Editura Universit??ii din Oradea %X This research paper presents a comparative study of the performance of distance protection for transmission line 400 kV in Algerian transmission networks at Group Sonelgaz (Algerian Company ofElectricity and Gas) compensated by two different series Flexible Alternative Current Transmission System (FACTS) i.e. GTO Controlled Series Capacitor (GCSC)and Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) connected at midpoint of an electrical transmission line.The facts are used for controlling transmission voltage, power flow and reactive power in high power transfer levels. This paper studies the effects of angle variation and controlled GCSC and TCSC insertion on the total impedance of a transmission line protected by MHO distance relay. The modified setting zone protection (resistance and reactance) in capacitive and inductive boost mode for three forward zones and one reverse zone are investigated in order to improve the performances of distance protection. The simulationresults are performed in MATLAB software. %K FACTS %K GCSC %K TCSC %K Apparent reactance %K Transmission line %K Distance relay %K Zones Setting %U http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/images/articles/CERCETARE/Reviste/JEEE/JEEE_V5_N2_OCT_2012/Zellagui%20oct2012.pdf