%0 Journal Article %T Combining Quality and Expediency with Action Research in ELearning Instructional Design %A Ruth Gannon Cook %A Caroline Crawford %J Journal of Educators Online %D 2008 %I Journal of Educators Online %X Recent research has posited that there may be a relationship between an organization¡¯s level of capability in electronic delivery of training and the barriers set up to detain it. One of the biggest obstacles is the entrenched culture of the organization itself. So often the challenges to the implementation of an innovation, such as electronic instruction, come from the establishment committed to its adoption. Embedded action research in electronic instructional design can provide observation of the innovation¡¯s implementation and what was successful or not, but can also provide crucial feedback on the culture and atmosphere of the organization and participants in the innovation. %U http://www.thejeo.com/Archives/Volume5Number2/GannonCooketalPaper.pdf