%0 Journal Article %T IMPROVING SYSTEM FORMATION AND USE OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES ENERGY-SAVING POTENTIAL %A Kitchenko O. M. %J Economics of Development %D 2012 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X The issues of developing a reasonable set of procedures in formation and estimation of energy-saving potential of industrial enterprises that may be suitable to capacities of this company are of current interest. The value of energy-saving potential lies in capability of an enterprise to obtain synergetic effect from the efficient use of available energy resources and created possibilities of energy-saving. The value of energy-saving potential is proposed to estimate with the help of system of objective partial criteria which characterize internal and external environment of enterprise as to the level of using and saving energy. Partial criteria are generalized into integral criterion in five subsystems each of them corresponds to one of the components of energy-saving potential: energy-technical, energy-technological, energy-structural, energy-managerial and energy-organizing. Defining the value of energy-saving potential is based on the use of polygons of potential (radars) which are convenient tools for comparison of energy-saving possibilities of enterprise and principal competitors. The combination of two methods, the method of radar and the method of multidimensional space, gives us the opportunity to estimate objectively the value of energy-saving potential of the enterprise.The proposed theoretical approach to content and directions of formation of energy-saving potential of industrial enterprises allowed defining the main ways of use of energy-saving potential. The article provides the sequence of stages of formation of industrial enterprises energy-saving potential. %K energy-saving potential %K integral index %K components of the energy-saving %K potential forming %K polygon capacity %K ways of energy-saving potential used %U http://www.ed.ksue.edu.ua/ER/knt/ee121_61/e121kitc.pdf