%0 Journal Article %T La eficiencia de los Hospitales Colombianos en el contexto Latinoamericano. Una aplicaci車n de An芍lisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA) en un grupo de hospitales de alta complejidad, 2009 The efficiency of Colombian hospitals in the Latin American context. An application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in a group of complex surgeries hospitals, 2009 %A Jorge Navarro Espaˋa %A Francisco Maza 芍vila %A Rafael Viana Barcel車 %J Ecos de Econom赤a %D 2011 %I Universidad EAFIT %X Los servicios m谷dicos de alta complejidad constituyen un sector con alto potencial de generaci車n de divisas y buen desempe o competitivo por el acceso a altos desarrollos tecnol車gicos. La medici車n de la eficiencia en este sector en el pa赤s es un aspecto importante si se quiere ser competitivo. Con una muestra de 20 hospitales y cl赤nicas latinoamericanos en el a o 2009, utilizando la informaci車n suministrada por Am谷rica Econom赤a, se midi車 la eficiencia de 5 entidades colombianas incluidas all赤. La medici車n se hizo mediante la metodolog赤a DEA. Los resultados arrojaron que 4 de las entidades colombianas se encuentran sobre la frontera de eficiencia y la restante solo debe hacer ajustes en el uso del espacio f赤sico, en aquellos campos en los que esto sea posible. La conjunci車n de eficiencia, precios competitivos y calidad del servicio le auguran un buen futuro a los servicios m谷dicos de alta complejidad en el pa赤s. Abstract The medical services of complex surgeries is a sector with high potential for generating foreign exchange and it owns a good competitive performance due the access to high technology developments. The measurement of efficiency in this sector in the country is an important aspect, if we want to be competitive. In a sample of 20 Latin American hospitals, was measured the efficiency of the group of 5 Colombian entities included there. The measurement was made by the DEA methodology. The results showed that 4 of the Colombian institutions are on the efficient frontier and the remaining one must make adjustments in the use of physical space in those areas where this is possible. The combination of efficiency, competitive prices and quality service, augur a good future for medical services of complex surgeries in Colombia. The medical services of complex surgeries is a sector with high potential for generatingforeign exchange and it owns a good competitive performance due the access to hightechnology developments. The measurement of efficiency in this sector in the countryis an important aspect, if we want to be competitive. In a sample of 20 Latin Americanhospitals, was measured the efficiency of the group of 5 Colombian entities includedthere. The measurement was made by the DEA methodology. The results showed that4 of the Colombian institutions are on the efficient frontier and the remaining one mustmake adjustments in the use of physical space in those areas where this is possible. Thecombination of efficiency, competitive prices and quality service, augur a good future formedical services of complex surgeries in Colombia. %K Econom赤a de la salud %K servicios m谷dicos de alta complejidad %K eficiencia %K Metodolog赤a DEA %U http://publicaciones.eafit.edu.co/index.php/ecos-economia/article/view/449