%0 Journal Article %T THEORETICAL APPROACH TO THE SELECTION OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT MODELS OF THE WORLD %A Ponomarenko Ye. V. %A Annenkova Ye. V. %J Economics of Development %D 2012 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X Integration into the world economic system provides the possibility of using important tools of economic policy. Each of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), which has already entered or is entering the EU, strengthens its economic position in the global economic system.The most common models for CEE countries are a catch-up model and a model of integration interaction. The catch-up model represents the accelerated growth of economic development and modernization of the industrial sector. The catch-up model of innovation development is considered to be a priority in the CEE countries.Long-term perspectives of innovation development of CEE countries can be forecasted by using the following criteria: achievement of efficient performance, product quality and such remuneration of labor that is provided by foreign enterprises; investment of foreign companies in CEE countries; effective use of national technological system.Industrial policy of Ukraine in the sphere of innovation development should be aimed at solving such problems as increasing division of labor and the development of specialization; efficiency of export-import operations, increasing the competitiveness of the economy. Therefore, it would be rational to define models of innovation development subject to the types of market (internal and external). These models include:1) a model of innovation development based on the use of promising innovative projects (a catch-up model);2) a model of effective use of innovative capacity on the basis of resource potential;3) a model of innovation development based on the support of consumer goods;4) a model of innovation development based on supporting export-oriented high-tech industries. %K models %K innovative development %K country %U http://www.ed.ksue.edu.ua/ER/knt/ee121_61/e121pono.pdf