%0 Journal Article %T FINANCIAL DIAGNOSIS AS A SYSTEM OF ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL STABILITY %A Chernyshov V. V. %J Economics of Development %D 2012 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X The present and permanent changes in the conditions of existence of an enterprise require a special attention to the issue of financial sustainability of organizations as a condition for their effective functioning and further dynamic development. Financial diagnosis provides the maximum accurate and convincing analysis results of all areas of the organization activity. The search for potential partners for joint activities, the evaluation of an investment object is impossible without studying the financial condition of a potential partner, the main task of analysts is to obtain and analyze information, including the data about the economic activity, financial condition and future development prospects. Identifying the concepts "financial analysis" and "financial diagnosis" is not true in the present. Financial diagnosis allows productive using all the methods and functions of financial analysis to make correct management decisions.Diagnosis can be conducted on all aspects of business or focus on one or more directions. The complex diagnosis is necessary when an existing (or absent) in the enterprise system of monitoring current activity does not allow determining the underlying problems.Thus, it can be formulated our own definition based on the analysis of previous attempts to characterize the concept of diagnosing the enterprise financial situation: Diagnosis of the enterprise financial situation is the ability to recognize the state of the enterprise by using certain characteristics to identify, establish the reasons for violations with the possibility of forecasting indicators of enterprise financial condition for any with a period of time or in dynamics.Financial diagnosis allows answering some questions: the degree of creditworthiness and ability of an enterprise to be able to pay debts, the trajectory of the firm development throughout the crediting period including its financial situation and the availability of financial capacity to maintain solvency. %K diagnosis %K financial diagnosis %K financial analysis %K stability %K internal and external environment %U http://www.ed.ksue.edu.ua/ER/knt/ee121_61/e121cher.pdf