%0 Journal Article %T Area Based Approach for Three Phase Power Quality Assessment in Clarke Plane %A S. CHATTOPADHYAY %A M. MITRA %A S. SENGUPTA %J Journal of Electrical Systems %D 2008 %I ESRGroups %X This paper presents an area-based approach for electric power quality analysis. Some specific reference signals have been defined and areas formed by the real power system data with the reference signal have been calculated wherefrom contributions of fundamental waveform and harmonic components have been assessed separately. Active power, reactive power and total harmonic distortion factors have been measured. Clarke transformation technique has been used for analysis in three-phase system, which has reduced the computational effort to a great extent. Distortion factors of individual phase of a three-phase system have also been assessed. %K Clarke Plane %K distortion factors %K area based approach %K Power Quality %K THD %U http://journal.esrgroups.org/jes/papers/4_1_5.pdf