%0 Journal Article %T Direct Sensitivity Analysis of the DC-to-DC Converters %A Elena Niculescu %A Eugen Iancu %A Dorina Mioara-Purcaru %A Marius-Cristian Niculescu %J Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering %D 2009 %I Editura Universit??ii din Oradea %X The mathematical principle of the directsensitivity analysis of the dynamic systems and itsapplication to the DC-to-DC PWM converters arepresented. The model of the dynamic system associatedto the PWM Sepic converter with parasitic includedand continuous conduction mode (CCM), and coupledinductors was used in this study. The modelling of theconverter and the state sensitivity analysis with respectto some parameters of the converter have beenperformed with MATLAB environment. The algorithmcarried out for computing the state sensitivity functionsof converter can be applied to other configurations ofDC-to-DC PWM converters, for the two operatingmodes (CCM and DCM), with parasitic included andwith coupled or separate inductors, regardless ofsystem order. %K Direct sensitivity analysis %K DC-to-DC PWM converters %U http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/reviste%20CSCS/documente/JEEE_2009/Articole_pdf_JEEE_EL_nr_1/JEEE_2009_Nr_1_EL_Niculescu_Direct.pdf