%0 Journal Article %T ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE FIXED CAPITAL CATEGORY FROM PERSPECTIVE OF PROBLEMS OF CREATION OF NATIONAL ECONOMY %A Khokhlov N. P. %A Yefremov S. L. %J Economics of Development %D 2012 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X The urgent task of formation of the national economy of Ukraine as §Ñ modern highly developed industrial economy is to restore sustainable public manufacturing process. First of all, this requires radical increase of attention to the development of the core capital to restore means of production which determine the level of technical production equipment, equipment of labor in national economy.The paper considers the problem of reproduction of the core capital of national economy, its current maintenance, patterns, economic and social consequences of its movement. The internal substantial structure of the category of core capital was defined in this paper, which enabled to more fully capture the directions of development of labor in the formation process of the national economy. The integration of the national economy into global economic space requires radical restructuring of the technical production base in consideration of modern technological advances. The comprehensive complex development of the core capital will contribute to the negotiation of the deep decline of the technical condition where the national economy has appeared in recent decades. The investigation of the structure of the category of core capital has revealed three interrelated directions of its integrated development in the national economy: means of labor in their natural form as §Ñ technical factor of production that corresponds to the level of modern technology; improvement of the turnover of the cost of means of labor in order to ensure the sources of financing their expanded reproduction; use positive forms of social capital to enhance motivation of reproduction on §Ñ market-oriented technical basis of the national economy on §Ñ high technological level preventing negative social consequences. %K fixed capital %K national economy %K material and technical base %K cost of fixed capital %K socio-economic form of capital %U http://www.ed.ksue.edu.ua/ER/knt/ee121_61/e121khok.pdf