%0 Journal Article %T DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE FOR STRESS ANALYSIS OF AN AIRCRAFT WING %A J. S. MOHAMMED ALI %A TAZKERA SADEQ %J Journal of Engineering Science and Technology %D 2012 %I Taylor's University %X A stress analysis software based on MATLAB, Graphic user interface (GUI) has been developed. The developed software can be used to estimate load on a wing and to compute the stresses at any point along the span of the wing of a given aircraft. The generalized formulation allows performing stress analysis even for a multispar (multicell) wing. The software is expected to be a useful tool for effective teaching learning process of courses on aircraft structures and aircraft structural design. %K Education %K Software %K Stress analysis %K Aircraft wings %K MATLAB %U http://jestec.taylors.edu.my/Vol%207%20Issue%203%20June%2012/Vol_7_3_322_338_J.%20S.%20MOHAMMED%20ALI.pdf