%0 Journal Article %T Parallel Cooperative Models for Optimization Problems %A Ionut BALAN %A Stefan Gh. PENTIUC %J Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics %D 2013 %I Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava %X In some cases, solving of an optimization problem isa challenge for any researcher. Often, getting a solution for sucha problem involves the necessity of computing systems usage. Inthe complex problems case, the classical systems lose theirutility, problem resolution becoming possible by parallelarchitectures usage. These, combined with different cooperativetechniques, can lead to getting, in a little execution time, ofsatisfactory results for any problem. In this paper, we comparethe results obtained for an optimization problem, solved byusing two intelligent technique (ANT ¨C ANT colony algorithm,AG ¨C genetic algorithms) which cooperate on a parallelarchitecture. %K parallel computing %K cooperative %K genetic algorithms %K ant colony %K optimization %U jacs.usv.ro/getpdf.php?paperid=14_2