%0 Journal Article %T Do a Mercedes de Castilla de James Fenimore Cooper, traducida por Pedro Alonso O'Crowley = James Fenimore Cooper's Mercedes of Castile, translated into Spanish by Pedro Alonso O'Crowley %A Juan Jes迆s ZARO %J 1611 : Revista de Historia de la Traducci車n %D 2010 %I Universitat Aut車noma de Barcelona %X En 1841 se public車 en C芍diz Do a Mercedes de Castilla o El viaje a Catay, primera traducci車n espa ola de la novela de James Fenimore Cooper, Mercedes of Castile or The Voyage to Cathay, realizada por el prol赤fico traductor gaditano Pedro Alonso O*Crowley. La novela es una cr車nica novelada del primer viaje de Col車n y despert車 gran inter谷s en Espa a. En este art赤culo, a partir de dos niveles de an芍lisis del texto traducido, el macro y el microtextual, se describen diversas caracter赤sticas de esta traducci車n. Do a Mercedes puede considerarse un ejemplo de la pol赤tica traductora de la Imprenta de la Revista M谷dica de C芍diz a mediados del siglo XIX, as赤 como una muestra del estilo de traducci車n de O*Crowley. The first Spanish translation of James Fenimore Cooper*s novel Mercedes of Castile, or The Journey to Cathay was published in C芍diz in 1841 with the title Do a Mercedes de Castilla o El viaje a Catay. The novel was translated by the prolific translator Pedro Alonso O'Crowley, born in C芍diz. The novel, a fictional chronicle of the first voyage of Columbus, aroused a great interest in Spain. In the present article, various features of this translation are described, using two levels of analysis of the translated text, the macro- and the microtextual. Do a Mercedes can be considered as a case study in the politics of translation carried out by the Imprenta de la Revista M谷dica of C芍diz in the mid-19th century, as well as a sample of O'Crowley*s style of translation. %K James Fenimore Cooper %K Cooper en castellano %K Pedro Alonso O*Crowley %K Imprenta de la Revista M谷dica %K historia de la traducci車n en Andaluc赤a James Fenimore Cooper %K Cooper in Spanish %K Pedro Alonso O*Crowley %K Imprenta de la Revista M谷dica %K history of translation in Andalusia %U http://www.traduccionliteraria.org/1611/art/zaro.htm