%0 Journal Article %T Fidelity and Game-based Technology in Management Education %A Edgard B. Cornacchione Jr. %J BAR. Brazilian Administration Review %D 2012 %I ANPAD - Associa??o Nacional de P¨®s-Gradua??o e Pesquisa em Administra??o %X This study explores educational technology and management education by analyzing fidelity in game-basedmanagement education interventions. A sample of 31 MBA students was selected to help answer the researchquestion: To what extent do MBA students tend to recognize specific game-based academic experiences, interms of fidelity, as relevant to their managerial performance? Two distinct game-based interventions (BG1 andBG2) with key differences in fidelity levels were explored: BG1 presented higher physical and functional fidelitylevels and lower psychological fidelity levels. Hypotheses were tested with data from the participants, collectedshortly after their experiences, related to the overall perceived quality of game-based interventions. The findingsreveal a higher overall perception of quality towards BG1: (a) better for testing strategies, (b) offering betterbusiness and market models, (c) based on a pace that better stimulates learning, and (d) presenting a fidelity levelthat better supports real world performance. This study fosters the conclusion that MBA students tend torecognize, to a large extent, that specific game-based academic experiences are relevant and meaningful to theirmanagerial development, mostly with heightened fidelity levels of adopted artifacts. Agents must be ready andmotivated to explore the new, to try and err, and to learn collaboratively in order to perform. %K game-based management education %K simulation fidelity %K educational technology. %U http://www.anpad.org.br/periodicos/arq_pdf/a_1299.pdf