%0 Journal Article %T Metodolog赤a para el c芍lculo de la viscosidad empleando como caso pr芍ctico el reprocesado de ABS %A Miguel 芍ngel Peydr車 Rasero %A Miguel 芍ngel Sell谷s Cant車 %A David Juarezz Varon %A Francisco Parres Garc赤a %J 3c Tecnologia %D 2012 %I Area de Innovaci車n y Desarrollo S.L %X This paper explains the methodology for calculating the viscosity, using as a case study the recycling of Acrylonitrile每Butadiene每Styrene (ABS). To simulate recycled ABS, virgin ABS was processed through 5 cycles, at extreme processing temperatures, 220oC and 260oC. The virgin ABS and the recycled ABS were rheologically characterized after the various cycles of reprocessing in order to evaluate their corresponding properties and correlate them with the number of cycles undergone. The viscosity is expressed using the mathematical model of Cross-WLF. This mathematical model is used to introduce viscosity in Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The results show that viscosity decreases as the number of reprocessing cycles increases. %K Injection %K plastics %K modelization %K Viscosity %K ABS. %U http://www.3ciencias.com/articulos/articulo/metodologia-para-el-calculo-de-la-viscosidad-empleando-como-caso-practico-el-reprocesado-de-abs/