%0 Journal Article %T The Space of Remembering: Collective Memory and the Reconfiguration of Contested Space in Argentina¡¯s ESMA %A Parsons %A Emily %J 452o F : Revista de Teor¨ªa de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada %D 2011 %I Asociaci¨®n 452?F %X This paper explores the ongoing history of the ESMA museum¡¯s developmentand argues that the intrinsic and conflictual collective memory work involved is characterized by competing desires to remember and to forget, rooted in the physical,visible, and public space of ESMA. %K Collective memory %K Public space %K ESMA %K Dirty War %K Representations of Torture %U http://www.452f.com/pdf/numero04/parsons/04_452f_mono_parsons_indiv.pdf