%0 Journal Article %T Dynamics of Establishing the Selection Structure in Beech-Fir Stands on Papuk %A Mario Bo£¿i£¿ %A Juro £¿avlovi£¿ %A Ernest Gor£¿i£¿ %A Krunoslav Teslak %J Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering %D 2011 %I University of Zagreb %X Diameter class distribution data, as well as diameter increment and increased number of trees, provide a basis for the simulation of stand development. With advances in computer technology, modelling and stand development research has shown increasing importance.The objective of this paper is to explore the establishment dynamics of a selection stand structure in mixed beech-fir forest on Papuk. In the past, these forests were managed as even-aged forests.The research was carried out in the Management Unit Zapadni Papuk Zve eva ki , Kamenska Forest Office. Using the data from forest management plans (plans of 2006, 1996 and 1986), ten stands were selected for which dynamics simulation of conversion into uneven-age stands was performed. The stands were selected on the basis of age, tree diameter distribution, density and mixture. After simulation, sub-compartments 34b, 42b and 56a were selected for display. The data for these stands are shown in Table 1.Theoretical growing stock models for mixed fir and beech stands were designed according to Klepac (1961). Felling dimensions for both species were 60 cm, while the growing stock mixture consisted of 60% fir and 40% beech (as set down in the management plan). The theoretical model was designed for both site class combinations: fir II/III ¨C beech II, and fir III ¨C beech II/III, using the original theoretical models by Klepac. To calculate the growing stock, we used local one-entry volume tables by species and site classes from the management plan. Table 2 and 3 show the designed theoretical models.Simulations were carried out with Excel files generated for this purpose. Input data for the simulation consisted of diameter distribution of trees taken from the management plan. Consequently, diameter distribution of trees for all coniferous was displayed as fir and all deciduous trees as beech. Simulation was carried out according to three scenarios, which define the felling volume as follows:Scenario 1: Felling volume is calculated according to Klepac¡¯s formula.Scenario 2: Volume of the first three felling is calculated on the basis of maximally allowed felling intensity of 30% of the growing stock. After this, Scenario 1 is applied.Scenario 3: Felling volume is calculated as the difference between the actual growing stock before felling and the theoretical growing stock after felling.The simulations were carried out for the time interval of 100 years.The results presented in Fig. 2 show long-lasting establishment of an uneven stand structure in the stands with initially too large growing stock and lack of sma %K Even-aged stand %K simulation %K felling intensity %K stand structure development %K theoretical selection stand structure %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/file/101768