%0 Journal Article %T A media o e a contribui o da psicologia 角 justi a %A Marcelo Spalding Verdi %J Barbar車i %D 2012 %I Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul %X Desde seus primeiros passos como ci那ncia, a Psicologia tem sido requisitada a colaborar com a Justi a. Sob o paradigma positivista, a interlocu o entre a Psicologia e o Direito desenvolveu-se simultaneamente 角s importantes mudan as na subjetividade e nas estruturas sociais que transformaram a sociedade ao longo do s谷culo XX. Diante da crescente demanda por compreens o da conduta humana em uma sociedade cada vez mais complexa, a Psicologia respondeu 角 altura e conquistou, pela via pericial, um lugar de destaque entre as disciplinas auxiliares da Justi a. No entanto, inserida na l車gica adversarial do processo judicial e com uma fun o meramente avaliativa, esse tipo de contribui o logo demonstrou significativas limita es. Para superar as limita es da per赤cia psicol車gica e prestar aux赤lio efetivo 角s pessoas na solu o dos conflitos nos quais se envolvem, ativando a responsabilidade nas pessoas e combatendo a tend那ncia 角 judicializa o da vida, a Psicologia dever芍 tomar a Media o como refer那ncia na busca de qualifica o de sua contribui o 角 Justi a. Abstract Since its beginning as a science, Psychology has been required to cooperate with the Justice. Under the positivist model, the dialogue between Psychology and Law developed simultaneously to the expressive changes in subjectivity and in social structures that transformed society during the 20th century. Considering the growing demand for understanding the human conduct in an increasingly complex society, Psychology has answered as was expected and it conquered, as a provider of expert opinions, a prominent place among the auxiliary disciplines of Justice. However, embedded in the logic of the adversarial judicial process and with a function only to evaluation this kind of contribution soon demonstrated significant limitations. To overcome the limitations of the expert psychological evaluation for legal purposes and provide effective help to people in solving the conflicts in which they engage, empowering people and combating the trend toward judicialization of life, Psychology should take Mediation as a reference in the search of the qualification of its contribution to Justice. %K Psicologia e Justi a %K Media o %K Responsabilidade %U http://online.unisc.br/seer/index.php/barbaroi/article/viewFile/2918/2102