%0 Journal Article %T Performance disclosure on the web: an exploration of the impact of managers¡¯ perceptions of stakeholder concerns %A Walter Aerts %A Denis Cormier %A Irene M. Gordon %A Michel Magnan %J International Journal of Digital Accounting Research %D 2006 %I University of Huelva, Rutgers University %X Using an exploratory research perspective, we examine how multinational firms¡¯executives¡¯ motivations map into corporate website performance disclosure. Our focus is onmanagements¡¯ beliefs about the relevance of financial, social and environmental performancedisclosures and how these beliefs relate to the firm¡¯s website disclosure practices. For 56companies, we use managers¡¯ perceptions along with data captured from websites. Employingfactor and regression analysis, we find that executives¡¯ perceptions of stakeholders¡¯ importanceaffect their firms¡¯ web-based disclosure practices and foci. Additionally, strategic focus, media,size of organization, profitability, leverage and analyst following are found influential in explainingtypes of performance disclosures made. %K Web-Based Disclosures %K Managers¡¯ Perceptions %K Stakeholder Theory %U http://www.uhu.es/ijdar/10.4192/1577-8517-v6_6.pdf