%0 Journal Article %T A COMPARISON OF STUDY RESULTS OF BUSINESS ENGLISH STUDENTS IN E-LEARNING AND FACE-TO-FACE COURSES %A Petr Ku£¿era %A Lenka Ku£¿¨ªrkov¨¢ %A Hana Vostr¨¢ Vydrov¨¢ %J Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science %D 2012 %I %X The paper deals with the comparison of results of students in thelessons of Business English e-learning course with face-to-faceteaching at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the CULSin Prague. E-learning as a method of instruction refers to learningusing technology, such as the Internet, CD-ROMs and portabledevices. A current trend in university teaching is a particular focus one-learning method of studies enhancing the quality and effectivenessof studies and self-studies. In the paper we have analysed the currentstate in the area of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) e-learningresearch, pointed out the results of a pilot ESP e-learning course intesting a control and an experimental group of students and resultsof questionnaires with views of students on e-learning. The paperfocuses on the experimental verification of e-learning influenceon the results of both groups of students. Online study materialsupports an interactive form of the teaching by means of multimediaapplication. It could be used not only for full-time students but alsofor distance students and centers of lifelong learning. %K e-learning %K face-to-face teaching %K speech skills %K pretest %K posttest %K English for specific purposes %U www.eriesjournal.com/_papers/article_187.pdf