%0 Journal Article %T RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY ANALYSIS OF TURKISH VERSION OF THE SCALE OF SERVICE QUALITY IN RECREATIONAL SPORT-38 %A Emine K£¿£¿KER DEM£¿R %A Zafer £¿£¿MEN %J Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi %D 2012 %I Nigde University School of Physical Education and Sports %X The purpose of the study was to test the reliability and validity of the ¡°The Scale of Service Quality in Recreational Sport" (SSQRS -38) for Turkish recreational sports participants. 173 male (56.9%) and 131 female (43.1%) exercise participants voluntarily participated in this study. The Scale of Service Quality in Recreational Sport -38 is a 49-item self-report measure of recreational sport service quality and consists of the following eleven subscales: (a) range of programs, (b) operating time, (c) information, (d) client-employee interaction, (e) inter-client interaction, (f) physical change, (g) valance, (h) sociability, (i) ambiance, (j) design ve (k) equipment. Participants were asked to rate each item on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disegree) to 7 (strongly agree). Principle Component Factor Analysis with Varimax Rotation for testing factor structure of Turkish version of SSQRS-38 supported 10 factor structures for 304 exercise participants and 38 items explains % 73 of variance. The internal consistency (Cronbach Alpha) value for 304 exercise participants were ranged from .72 (operating time) to .91 (design). It can be concluded that the SSQRS-38 is a reliable and valid instrument to assess quality in recreational sport services for Turkish participants. %K Service quality %K recreation %K sport %K reliability %K validity %U http://dergi.nigde.edu.tr/index.php/besyodergi/article/view/479/340