%0 Journal Article %T La migration internationale des m¨¦decins roumains: %A Cristina TEODORESCU %J Social Research Reports %D 2013 %I Expert Projects %X This study aims at highlighting Romanian doctors¡ä perceptions of their experiences abroad. The methodological approach is qualitative, based on semi-structured interviews with Romanian doctors who have worked abroad for at least one year and returned to Romania, as well as with doctors who continue to practice their profession in European countries (France and Belgium). The content analysis of information has allowed us to highlight the prospects of the participants in this study in the context of awareness of the benefits and the challenges associated with the development of their careers and personal lives abroad or in their country of origin. The results show that the decision to go abroad to work is a highly complex one and involves the balancing of costs and benefits. It also depends on personal values and goals. In this context, society and the state play key roles for the creation of a living and working environment for the welfare of the individual. %K international migration %K health proffessionals %K motivation %K post-communism %U http://www.researchreports.ro/images/researchreports/social/srr_2013_vol023_007.pdf