%0 Journal Article %T COMPARISON OF JUMPING PERFORMANCE WITH DIFFERENT METHODS OF VOLLEYBALL AND WRESTLING ATHLETES %A T¨¹lin ATAN %A Pelin AKYOL %A Osman £¿MAMO£¿LU %J Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi %D 2012 %I Nigde University School of Physical Education and Sports %X The aim of this study was to compare the jumping performance of female and male volleyball players and male wrestlers by static, counter, drop and repetitive jumping methods.20 female and 20 male volleyball players which play in 2. league and 3. league and 20 national wrestlers voluntarily participated the study. All subjects were students in Physical Education and Sports Department. The mean ages were 21.15 years for female volleyball players, 20.80 years for male volleyball players and 20.60 years for wrestlers. All subjects performed static jump, counter jump, drop jump and repetitive jump. Values were measured by New Test Power Timer System 300 Series Instrument. Body Mass Indeks (BMI), flexibility and body fat percentage values was determined. The values between three groups were compared by Kruskall Vallis Test. For the pairwise comparison Mann Whitney-U test was used. Flexibility values compared between athletes it has found that wrestlers were more flexible than male volleyball players. Height, BMI, body fat percentage were found significantly different between subjects, Drop, static, counter movement and repetitive jump height and power values were found significantly higher in male volleyball players than female volleyball players and wrestlers. Static and counter movement jump values were found significantly higher in wrestlers than female volleyball players. A higher jumping value of male volleyball players than wrestlers is related sports branch. While better jumping performance of female volleyball players than wrestlers is expected, gender factor passed in front of this situation. As a conclusion, sports branch and gender factor have an important factor on jumping performance. %K Jumping Methods %K Volleyball Players %K Wrestlers %U http://dergi.nigde.edu.tr/index.php/besyodergi/article/view/418/302