%0 Journal Article %T Contemporary Scheduling and Planning of Physical Education Lessons in the Polish Education System %A Krzysztof WARCHO£¿ %A Witold P¨®£¿TORAK %J Beden E£¿itimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi %D 2010 %I %X Polish's education system introduces many significant changes in the area of scheduling and planning of didactic and educational activity. The primary advantage of contemporary concept of scheduling is the possibility of creating one¡¯s own ¨C authorial teaching programs and plans. In this way, the physical education teacher has full influence on all elements of the praxeological model of physical education. Model of scheduling and planning in the area of physical education includes the following elements: core curriculum, teaching program, detailed plan of didactic and educational work, and thematic unit and lesson plan or scenario. The problem with the contemporary model of physical education lies in realization and execution of the approved teaching programs and lesson plans. Lack of uniform and comparable system of evaluation for achievements of the students in their individual improvement and in acquiring new motor abilities causes a situation where the school physical education contains a lot of randomness, selectivity, school sport alone and random realization of the program governed by immediate needs, possibilities, interests and good will of the teacher instead of there being real goals for physical education fit for the 21st century. %K Polish's education system %K praxeological model of physical education %U http://www.selcukbesyo.org/dergimiz/index.php/JPESS/article/viewFile/64/69