%0 Journal Article %T INVESTIGATION OF THE METHODS OF COP NG W TH STRESS OF PHYS CAL EDUCATION TEACHERS THAT WORK IN PR MARY AND SECONDARY EDUCAT ON SCHOOL (EXAMPLE OF AYDIN) %A H¨¹seyin KIRIMO£¿LU %A Yunus YILDIRIM %A Ali TEM£¿Z %J Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi %D 2011 %I Nigde University School of Physical Education and Sports %X Open Journal Systems Journal Help User You are logged in as...hazarserkan My Journals My Profile Log OutLanguage English T¨¹rkiye T¨¹rk esi Journal Content Search All Authors Title Abstract Index terms Full Text Browse By Issue By Author By Title Other JournalsFont Size Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger HomeAboutUser HomeSearchCurrentArchivesAnnouncementsHome > Vol 5, No 2 (2011) > KIRIMO LU INVESTIGATION OF THE METHODS OF COP NG W TH STRESS OF PHYS CAL EDUCATION TEACHERS THAT WORK IN PR MARY AND SECONDARY EDUCAT ON SCHOOL (EXAMPLE OF AYDIN)H¨¹seyin KIRIMO LU, Yunus YILDIRIM, Ali TEM ZAbstractThis investigation was performed for discover of whether the methods of coping with stres of physical educat on teachers that work in Ayd n change or not.96 physical education teachers (28 women and 68 men) that work in primary and secondary education school in Ayd n (country, town, village) took part in th s investigation. For detection of methods of coping with stress; personal information form improved by investigator and ¡® scale of coping with stress ¡¯ improved by original ( zbay, 1993) were used. SPSS 16.0 statistic package programme was used for evaluate of data and find the calculated data. For trial of normality, t test (whose group number is 2) and One ¨C Way ANOVA test (whose group number is more than 2) were used within parametric tests. For variance homology; Tukey HSD test was used within Post Hoc Multiple Comparisions tests. In th s study ratio of fault was assessed 0.05. When we compared the participants¡¯s methods of coping with stress by some variable factors; statistical significiant differences were found in point of gender; asking for help from others, in point of civil status; taking shelter for religious, in multiply comprision for mission place (country, town, village); taking shelter for religious, active planning, escape-abstraction (biochemical). We can say that there is no any signifiiant difference of physical education teachers joined in this study in point of gender, age, civil status, mission place, school that is worked in but in point of this variable factors, preference of sub formats of methods of coping with stres change. The stuations of methods of coping with stress of physical educat on teachers sould be investigated in point of experince of professional and ve the city lived in. %K Physical Educat on Teacher %K Coping for Stress %K Primary Education %K Secondary Education School %U http://dergi.nigde.edu.tr/index.php/besyodergi/article/view/286/177