%0 Journal Article %T THE ANALYSIS OF THE CREATIVITY AND DECION MAKING ABILITIEES OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ACCORDING TO SOME VARIABLES %A Meri£¿ ERASLAN %J Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi %D 2012 %I Nigde University School of Physical Education and Sports %X In this study it was aimed to analyze the creativity and decision making abilities of chess sportsmen according to gender, department and NPD (National Power Degree) score. For this reason, 107 university chess sportsmen of whom are 81 male 26 female have participated to research and The Creativity Scale (Kirton, 1976) and Melbourne Decision Making scale I- II (Man and Ark, 1998) have been used in this study. The creativity abilities of chess sportsmen have been analyzed via ANOVA test for department, and T Test for gender and NPD score. The decision making abilities have been tested via single optioned MANOVA analysis for the three variables. At the end of this study a meaningful discrepancy couldn¡¯t be found for the variables gender (t(105)=1.013, P>0.05), NPD score t(105)=1.060, P>0.05) and department (f(1,235)=0,501, P>0.05) for creativity abilities of students. However, while it has been reached to meaningful results for the purpose of gender they are attentive, prudent and sub-dimension of panic (Wilks Lambda ¦Ë=.887; F (4,102)=3.253;P¡Ü0.05), and for the purpose of department they are prudent (F (2,104)=3.235; P¡Ü0.05), meaningful results could not be ascertained for NPD score (Wilks Lambda ¦Ë=.987;F (4,102)=0.329; P>0.05). As a result it can be said that the creativity abilities of chess sportsmen do not change according to gender, department and NPD score. In terms of decision making, it can be claimed that while males are more attentive, females are quick for solution, and the students from social and human sciences hold over their decisions than the students of technical sciences, and the experience is not an effective tool In terms of decision making. %K Chess %K Creativity %K decision making %U http://dergi.nigde.edu.tr/index.php/besyodergi/article/view/517/326