%0 Journal Article %T FIELD OF STUDY AS A FACTOR INFLUENCING THE MODEL OF VALUE-ADDED ASSESSMENT %A Martin Mal£¿¨ªk %A Radek Krpec %A Michal Burda %J Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science %D 2011 %I %X This contribution deals with the possibilities of schools¡¯ results evaluation and unbiased assessment of the so called education value-added. Value-added models in education express school contribution to the progress of a pupil in relation to predetermined educational goals. The article is a comparison of two methods of the value-added assessment: method of relative shift and relative gain of knowledge method. The focus is laid on the school¡¯s field of study as a factor which could, to a considerable extent, affect the measurement results. Both methods are used for relatively wide range of data drawn from results of secondary school pupils value-added assessments and are compared in respect to the schools¡¯ classification according to their field of study. The results show that the field of study is a significant factor influencing the value-added assessment outcomes and have to be taken into account. %K Value-added %K Relative gain of knowledge %K on-line educational testing %U http://www.eriesjournal.com/_papers/article_143.pdf