%0 Journal Article %T Companies development based on project management %A Fedyshyn %A Bohdan Petrovych %A Yevtukh %A Petro Sylvestrovych %J Soc¨¬al£¿no-ekonom¨¬£¿n¨¬ Problem¨¬ ¨¬ Der£¿ava %D 2012 %I Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University and Academy of Social Management %X The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodology basis of the projectdevelopment, to introduce the specific project management under the unstable economy conditionsto the involved manufacturer¡¯s and scientists. Specific examples of weaknesses and failures in theprevious selection of projects are set. The company strategic development on the basis of projectmanagement is considered in the article. The main stages of a project development under unstableeconomy conditions are described. Mega projects examples are given. %K design %K innovative project %K the unstable economy %U http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2012/12fbpopm.pdf