%0 Journal Article %T Classification signs are in activity logistic centers %A Strutynska %A Iryna Volodymyrivna %J Soc¨¬al£¿no-ekonom¨¬£¿n¨¬ Problem¨¬ ¨¬ Der£¿ava %D 2012 %I Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University and Academy of Social Management %X At the market of ware-house objects Ukraine until now is not the uniqueclassification ware-house complex, accepted basic players ¨C developers and logistic operators. Forthis reason in the article the conducted analysis classification signs logistic centers in the contextradical rethinking of the requirements and methods organization logistic on enterprises. Attentionis accented on the functional (to practical) use services logistic center. Taking into account it,generalized and well-organized classification signs and the complemented classification logisticcenters, which enables deeper to understand essence of object and find out backlogs increase of theeconomic stabilizing enterprises at the use services logistic centers, is offered. Criteria after whichdetermine belonging logistic center to the separate category from point his functional setting andthe grounded necessity of improvement process determination class are selected. %K logistic %K logistic infrastructure %K logistic center %K classification signs of logistic centers %K class logistic center %U http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2012/12sivdlc.pdf