%0 Journal Article %T Improvement of the organizational-economic mechanism of developing heat supply city system %A Doroshenko %A Valentina %J Soc¨¬al£¿no-ekonom¨¬£¿n¨¬ Problem¨¬ ¨¬ Der£¿ava %D 2012 %I Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University and Academy of Social Management %X The article examines a complex of social and economic problems that accompany the development of heat supply systems in Ukraine. It is determined that the negative effects of district heating in the cities and towns are caused by the failure of current management mechanism to ensure the solution of basic problems and implement the heat supply system as life support system. The main goal of study was the development of theoretical, methodological and methodical principles of organizational-economic mechanism of development of heat supply system based on the analysis of problems and reserves of its formation and implementation. Application of the systematic approach methodology has allowed to conclude that the effectiveness of heat supply is determined by the interaction of a complex of interrelated and interdependent components that form the theoretical, methodological and methodical basis of its ensuring - concepts, strategies, programs, the mechanism of formation and development of heat supply system. The result of the study was developing of the conceptual foundations of improvement of organizational-economic mechanism of heat supply system development, based on the principles of civilized paradigm, methodology to improve its main basic elements - the mechanisms of information, organizational, infrastructural, legal, financial support, tariff setting, energy saving motivation, optimal development of heat supply system so as to satisfy individual requirements of consumers with high effectiveness as a combination of social, economic, energy, environmental effects. %K heat supply %K management %K problems %K concept %K strategy %K program %K organizational and economical management mechanism %K effectiveness %U http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2012/12dvvstm.pdf