%0 Journal Article %T Ukrainian market innovation and its future in the strategy Europe 2020 %A Stoyko %A Ihor %A Melnyk %A Liliya %J Soc¨¬al£¿no-ekonom¨¬£¿n¨¬ Problem¨¬ ¨¬ Der£¿ava %D 2012 %I Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University and Academy of Social Management %X The article explores the prospects of Ukraine in the development of the national market innovative products in the context of socio-economic development of the European Union Europe 2020 , see the features and problems of formation of market innovation Ukraine, devoted to the state support of science and opportunities for the introduction of technical innovations. Outlined, why Ukraine is indeed ahead of Europe in the development and adoption of strategic concepts and has made breakthrough according to the European example. An innovative competitiveness towards Ukraine and the necessity of rational use of scientific and educational potential to integrate into European cooperation. Solving these problems simultaneously would mean that Ukraine will form a complete industrial-innovative (post-industrial) economy, which will play an important economic role in Eurasia. %K market %K innovation %K development %K strategy %K research %K cooperation prospects %U http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2012/12siiuse.pdf