%0 Journal Article %T Special features of the company personnel policy development using outsourcing %A Ozerchuk %A Natalia Mykolayivna %A Sorokivska %A §°len§Ñ Anatoliyivna %J Soc¨¬al£¿no-ekonom¨¬£¿n¨¬ Problem¨¬ ¨¬ Der£¿ava %D 2012 %I Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University and Academy of Social Management %X The evaluation of possible replanning and personnel policy improving at modernenterprises is the aim of the article. Business owners absolutely realize that some expenditurefunctions can be easily passed to outsourcing, saving money and gaining flexibility and efficiency ofbusiness processes. The current personnel policy in organizations provides, first of all, personnelmanagement strategy development, taking into account the structure strategy development, which ispossible using the principles of outsourcing. Combining the elements of outsourcing personnelpolicy at the modern enterprises will improve the quality of employees work taking intoconsideration all achievements in the theory and practice in this area and cause a positive socialimpact. %K personnel %K personnel policies %K outsourcing %K organizational structure %K personnel management %U http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2012/12onmzva.pdf