%0 Journal Article %T Pneumatosis Coli: A Case Report %A Abdolrahim Nahidi %A Alireza Rezaee %J Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal %D 2012 %I Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences %X Pneumatosis intestinalis isusuallya is a benign condition which may affect any segment of gastrointestinal tract from stomach to rectum. It is also called pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI). It is best classified into(A) a primary form and (B) a secondary form. Air cysts are found mostly in subserosa of large bowel. The aim of this study is to present 72-year¨Cold heavy smoker man that referred to emergency department with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and decreased appetite for a period of three days duration. With impression of peritonitis due to hallow viscus perforation, as result the patient underwent laparotomy. Abdomen was completely cleaned without any puss or fluid. There were multiple gas-containing cysts over the antimesentric colonic wall of the transverse and sigmoid colon. We terminated the operation without any intervention. The patient became symptom free post operatively and discharged from hospital with good condition. %K Pneumatosis Coli %K Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis %K Peritonitis. %U http://journals.ajums.ac.ir/components4.php?rQV===AfABDQ6QnchR3cfZGfAlzMApDZJRnblJXYw9lZ8BUNyQDQ6QWStVGdp9lZ8BEOApDZJxWY0J3bQxWYuJXdvp2XmxHQyATNApDZJ52bpR3Yh9lZ