%0 Journal Article %T PERSONAL GOALS: A NEW APPROACH IN STUDYING RELIGIOUS MOTIVATION %A MUSTEA ANCA %A Teodor C£¿lin BABA %A Oana NEGRU %J Societate £¿i Politic£¿ %D 2011 %I Universitatea de Vest Vasile Goldis din Arad %X In order to understand what makes people engage inreligious beliefs and behaviors, it is necessary to study their religiousmotivation. As there are many controversies concerning the intrinsic-extrinsicreligious orientation, alternative ways of studying religious motivation need tobe developed. The present research investigates the possibility of studyingreligious motivation through an appraisal of personal religious goals. Using amixed methodology, a taxonomy of religious goals is constructed, whichincludes: personal development goals, relinquishment / fasting goals, goalsregarding one¡¯s relation to God, and goals oriented towards others. A positivecorrelation between the number of personal religious goals and intrinsicreligious orientation is highlighted by the results of the present research. Also,our research points out a significant correlation between intrinsic and extrinsicreligious orientations. This finding suggests that the two dimensions are notmutually exclusive, as initially assumed by Allport (1950, 1966). %K religious motivation %K personal goals %K religious goals %K daily religious experience %K meaning %U http://www.uvvg.ro/socpol/images/stories/2011-1/10.pdf