%0 Journal Article %T ¡°CURING¡± PYRRHONIAN DOUBT: ANTI-SKEPTICAL RHETORIC IN THE EARLY 18TH CENTURY %A Anton MATYTSIN %J Societate £¿i Politic£¿ %D 2012 %I Universitatea de Vest Vasile Goldis din Arad %X By examining the analogies of sickness and disease used by severalopponents of philosophical skepticism (Pyrrhonism) in the early 18th century, this articlewill shed light on the rhetorical strategies used in attempts to undermine the revival ofthis ancient school of philosophy. It will look at the ways in which anti-skeptics discussedthe repercussions of the spread of Pyrrhonism for society and describe how theyproposed to ¡°cure¡± this so-called disease. A consideration of the strategies will bothreveal some of the assumptions commonly shared by authors of apologetic literature inthe first half of the 18th century and explain why they saw skepticism as such a dangerousphilosophical position. %K Skepticism %K Pyrrhonism %K Irreligion %K Atheism %K Pierre Bayle %K Jean-Pierre de Crousaz %U http://www.uvvg.ro/socpol/docs/2012-1/6.%20anton%20matytsin.pdf