%0 Journal Article %T Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengusaha Kecil dan Mikro Mendaftar Menjadi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi %A Diaz Priantara %A Bambang Supriyadi %J Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan %D 2011 %I Universitas Kristen Petra %X Tax has a siginicant role in achieving the Government budget. Therefore, the government expects the number of personal taxpayer who have already met the subjective and objective requirements will increase. The easiest approach to increase taxpayer is to encourage the employers to require all their employees to register themselves as taxpayer, otherwise the employees will be withheld with higher tax rate. On the other side registration of individual who does not have employee status to be personal taxpayer is highly depend on his tax compliance. This research studies the factors of need, convenience, sanction and perception that affect registration compliance of individual. The primary data is obtained through ques-tionnaires with Likert scale from retail traders or small businessmen at traditional market, Menteng Pulo, South Jakarta. Logistic regression is used in this study. The result proves that the need and convenience factors have significant effect on adherence individual to be personal taxpayer. While sanction and perception factors show the opposite. However, all factors simultaneously have significant effect on compliance to personal taxpayer. %K Tax compliance %K individual taxpayers %K small and micro business %K taxpayer registration. %U http://puslit2.petra.ac.id/ejournal/index.php/aku/article/view/18461