%0 Journal Article %T INFLUENCE OF THE TYPE OF SEEDING IN THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE SORGHUM - Urochloa brizantha cv MARANDU INTERCROPPING IN THE CROP-LIVESTOCK INTEGRATION SYSTEM %A CHRYSTIANE MARTINS DE ALMEIDA %A £¿NGELA MARIA QUINT£¿O LANA %A JOS¨¦ AVELINO SANTOS RODRIGUES %A RAMON COSTA ALVARENGA %J Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo %D 2012 %I Associa??o Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo %X The aim of this work was determine the influence of the type of seeding on productive variables of thesorghum - Urochloa brizantha intercropping. The treatments were: sorghum intercropped with brachiaria in line andinter-lines of sowing, sorghum with brachiaria intercropped inter-rows and, sorghum intercropped with brachiaria inthe row. A randomized block design with five replications was used. The sowing of brachiaria in row and inter-rows ofsorghum (31.88), and seeding of brachiaria inter-rows (27.44) were similar, but different compared to the intercroppingwith brachiaria only in sorghum intra-rows (19.00). The production of sorghum green matter did not show significantdifference between the means. The dry matter production of brachiaria showed significant difference between themeans and the planting of sorghum with brachiaria in row and inter-rows (7.54) was statistically superior to sorghumwith brachiaria inter-lines (6.17) and with brachiaria in the row (4.43). Therefore, the planting system that providedthe greatest advantage, with highest values of green and dry matter production was the intercropping of sorghum withBrachiaria intra and inter-rows of sowing. %K crop livestock integration %K Marandu %K pasture %K sowing %U http://rbms.cnpms.embrapa.br/index.php/ojs/article/view/360/pdf_12