%0 Journal Article %T Dual Boundary Element Method in Modelling of Fatigue Crack Propagation %A Ahmad Kamal Ariffin Mohd Ihsan %A Nik Abdullah Nik Mohamed %A Fadhlur Rahman Mohd Roomlay %J Jurnal Kejuruteraan %D 2008 %I %X This paper deals with the modelling of fatigue crack propagation on a centre member bar using a dual boundary element method. The effect of life cycle to the multiple site fatigue crack propagation were studied.. Analysis of stress intensity factor was performed by the deterministic approach using a dual boundary element method. The dual boundary element method was used to simplify the crack model through numerical approach. The complex problems have been solved using the information from a boundary conditin only. Next, the initial crack and the life cycle of the structure have been predicted using probabilistic method which is Monte Carlo. The crack size and fatigue life were computed until failure of the structure. The failure analysis was performed by a linear elastic fracture mechanics. The scenarios of the fatigue crack propagation were given by an intergration of both dual boundary element and Monte Carlo method. Therefore, fatigue life of a multiple site crack structure can be predicted. %K Crack propagation %K fatigue %K Monte Carlo %K Boundary Element Method %U http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~jkukm/2008-5.pdf