%0 Journal Article %T The religious censure in Modern Egypt. Le forme della censura religiosa nell¡¯Egitto moderno. Il caso Awl¨¡d H¨¡ratin¨¡ di Na ¨©b Mahf¨±z %A Danilo Marino %J Between %D 2012 %I Universit¨¤ degli studi di Cagliari %X In this paper I will focus on the censure applied by religious authorities, who intervene in tracing the limits between the licit and illegal when an author employ the religious stories as literary materials. I will trace the complex editorial story of Awl¨¡d ¨¡ratin¨¡ a novel of Na ¨©b Ma f¨± (1911-2006). When it was published in 1959 on the cairene newspaper Al-Ahr¨¡m, numerous protesters asked for an interruption of publishing and to ban the novel for its blasphemous contents. Even if the printing of the work could be completed, Awl¨¡d ¨¡ratin¨¡ was never published as a book in Egypt, only in 1967 the libanaise D¨¡r al- d¨¡b issued the novel but it was forbidden in Egypt.The Islamic censure judged Awl¨¡d ¨¡ratin¨¡ a work that deride religion for its non orthodox use of the sacred story. Not only the structure of the book, but the stories of its characters seemed to be more closer to prophetic lives. In fact, the narration represents the sacred story of the humanity in a usual modern cairen neighborhood, that is to say employing imagination where devotion, authenticity and respect were required. Ma f¨± ¡¯s explanations of a political rather than a religious interpretation was useless. Through the analysis of original documents, I intend to deal with the nature of this ban, because the censure wasn¡¯t a formal political or religious interdict, nor it was an official juridical decision, but it seemed more a informal forbid or a kind of auto-censure influenced by the pressures put on by the context. In 1988 two events renewed the attention on Awl¨¡d ¨¡ratin¨¡: Na ¨©b Ma f¨± was aworded the Nobel prize for literature and Salma Rushdie published The satanic Verses, that was followed by the death sentence (fatw¨¡¡¯) cursed by Khomeiny. Thus, the similarities between the two works soon arose and some Islamists started to attack Ma f¨± . As a result of that tension, in 1994 some fanatics attempted on Ma f¨± ¡¯s life. In this paper I will trace a comparison between Awl¨¡d ¨¡ratin¨¡ and The Satanic Verses affairs and I will deal with Ma f¨± ¡¯s ambiguous positions toward Rushdie¡¯s death sentence, discussing his numerous statements on the boycott of The Satanic Verses to prevent a social and religious conflict. In questa comunicazione s¡¯intende analizzare il caso della censura messa in atto da autorit¨¤ religiose che intervengono nel regolare il limite tra il lecito e l¡¯illecito, allorquando il narratore manipola le storie della religione come altrettanto materiale su cui imprimere la proprio impeto immaginativo. Si prender¨¤ in considerazione la complessa storia editoriale di Awl¨¡d ¨¡ra %K censura religiosa %K Egitto %K Mahfuz %K Rushdie %U http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/between/article/view/384