%0 Journal Article %T De l¡¯impact du TGV sur deux quartiers de gare : Nancy Grand Coeur et Metz Amphith¨¦atre The impact of the East European TGV on two station areas : Nancy Grand Coeur and Metz Amphith¨¦atre %A Anne Hecker %J Belgeo : Revue Belge de G¨¦ographie %D 2012 %I National Committee of Geography of Belgium, Soci¨¦t¨¦ Royale Belge de G¨¦ographie %X L¡¯arriv¨¦e du TGV Est-Europ¨¦en au coeur de Metz et de Nancy a offert aux deux cit¨¦s rivales lorraines l¡¯opportunit¨¦ de requalifier leurs entr¨¦es de ville et de r¨¦habiliter des friches ferroviaires d¡¯arri¨¨re-gare. En d¨¦pit de situations originelles tr¨¨s diff¨¦rentes, l¡¯¨¦volution des deux projets les am¨¨ne ¨¤ une forte convergence. Un point les distingue n¨¦anmoins : alors que l¡¯une cherche ¨¤ fondre ce nouveau quartier dans le centre-ville, l¡¯autre tend ¨¤ la r¨¦alisation d¡¯un nouveau coeur d¡¯agglom¨¦ration, au risque de d¨¦vitaliser le centre traditionnel. A miser sur l¡¯effet structurant du TGV, toutes deux risquent n¨¦anmoins que le surdimensionnement de leurs projets ne conduise ¨¤ un semi-¨¦chec. The arrival of the East European TGV in the heart of Metz and Nancy provided the two rival cities of Lorraine with an opportunity to reshape their landscape and to requalify the railway station areas. In spite of very different situations, the evolution of both projects leads them to a strong convergence. Still, they differ on one point: while one of them tries to merge the new city quarter into the city centre, the other focuses on realizing a new heart for the agglomeration, and thus risks devitalizing the old centre. By betting on the structuring effect of the TGV, both could lead to a semi-failure due to overambitious developments. %K station area %K East European TGV %K rail wasteland %K requalification %K urban recomposition %K structuring effect %K quartier de gare %K TGV Est %K friches ferroviaires %K requalification %K recomposition urbaine %K effet structurant %U http://belgeo.revues.org/6868