%0 Journal Article %T Villes et infrastructures de transport du Rhin sup¨¦rieur : des grands ¨¦quipements structurants ? Cities and transport infrastructures in the Upper Rhine area: major structuring facilities? %A Jo£¿l Forthoffer %J Belgeo : Revue Belge de G¨¦ographie %D 2012 %I National Committee of Geography of Belgium, Soci¨¦t¨¦ Royale Belge de G¨¦ographie %X L¡¯espace franco-germano-suisse du Rhin sup¨¦rieur dispose d¡¯un maillage de villes performantes : m¨¦tropole de Mannheim, Eurodistrict de Strasbourg, agglom¨¦ration trinationale de Bale... De par sa situation g¨¦ographique, le sillon rh¨¦nan est aussi un couloir de transit d¡¯importance europ¨¦enne. Une coop¨¦ration fonctionnelle dans diff¨¦rents domaines du transport comme les a¨¦roports, les gares ou les ports, peut hisser cette r¨¦gion au plan europ¨¦en et mondial.Cette ¨¦tude analyse les interactions entre les projets d¡¯¨¦quipements transport et les villes et s¡¯articule autour des points suivants : les m¨¦tropoles en tant que plates-formes intermodales, les corridors : r¨¦alit¨¦s, projets, enjeux ; les agglom¨¦rations et les jeux transfrontaliers. Elle s¡¯efforce de pr¨¦senter les ¨¦volutions d¡¯infrastructures des diff¨¦rents modes de transport en corr¨¦lation avec les projets de villes. The French-German-Swiss area of the upper Rhine offers a meshing of successful cities: metropolis of Mannheim, Eurodistrict of Strasbourg, Basel trinational agglomeration... Because of its geographical situation, the Rhine valley is also a transit corridor of European importance. A functional cooperation in various transport fields such as airports, railway stations or ports, may advance this area to European and worldwide level.This study analyzes the interactions between cities and transport facilities projects. It is based on the following points: metropolises as intermodal platforms; corridors: realities, projects, stakes; towns and cross-border games, and it tries to present the infrastructure developments of various modes in conjunction with the towns¡¯ projects. %K mobility %K urban project %K major transportation facilities %K land use %K intermodality %K am¨¦nagement du territoire %K mobilit¨¦ %K projet urbain %K grands ¨¦quipements de transport %K intermodalit¨¦ %U http://belgeo.revues.org/6972