%0 Journal Article %T AUTOMATION OF THE PERMANENT ARCHIVE's SRTE-PB THROUGH THE SYSTEM CPRODWEB %A Cristhiane Kelen de ArašČjo Maciel %J Biblionline %D 2010 %I Universidade Federal da ParašȘba %X This article presents reflections concerning thevalue of information in information units. Presentsthe characteristics and types of archives, as well ofinformation technologies applied in archives butalso their general aspects, operation, concept,among other characteristics. The use of theCPRODWEB system in the process of automationof the SRTE-PB's archive aiming to present thebenefits that this system offered in the archives ofthe institution studied. Used as instrument ofinvestigation a questionnaire containing closedquestions and multiple-choice ones to obtain datafrom the study. Presents as search result thesatisfaction of officers who used the systembecause the applied automation promoted asearch of files and documents more quickly andefficiently. %K Archive %K Automation %K Enterprise Document Management. %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/biblio/article/viewFile/4365/5520