%0 Journal Article %T Penurunan Kerugian Head pada Belokan Pipa dengan Peletakan Tube Bundle %A Pratikto %A Slamet Wahyudi %J Jurnal Teknik Mesin %D 2010 %I Universitas Kristen Petra %X Fluid flow flowing through an elbow causes separation. Separation leads to vortex, shake and cavity. As a result, the head loss will increase and the pipe installation is potentially damaged. Thus, separation must be eliminated. The separation is identified by the presence of high pressure decreasing in the downstream of elbow. To minimize the pressure decreasing in elbow, we need flow conditioner like a tube bundle. The aim of this research is to identify the influence of tube bundle placement toward the head loss such as pressure drop. The elbow being tested is placed on a pipe installation already equipped by testing aids such as computers and its software, pressure transmitter, and rotameter. The free variable in this study is the distance of the tube bundle from the outlet edge of the pipe turn 2D, 3D, 4D and 5D and fluid flow volume which flows through the installation that are 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2000 litres/hour. Whereas, the dependent variable is the pressure drop ( p) measured by pressure transmitter and the head loss of which the value is obtained from the measurement of pressure drop. The test was conducted on 1.25 inch in diameter elbow with 22 holes of tube bundle and 27 mm in length. To know the head loss, so the pressure drop ( p) of fluid at upstream and downstream of the pipe turn are measured using 2 pressure transmitters connected to the computer through ADC (Analog Digital Converter). The data had already recorded in computer was processed using the LabView software to get the averaged value of the pressure drop. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Aliran Fluida yang mengalir melalui belokan pipa menyebabkan terjadinya separasi. Separasi mengakibatkan terjadinya vortex, getaran, dan kavitasi, dimana kerugian tersebut mengakibatkan kerugian head meningkat dan berpotensi merusak instalasi pipa sehingga separasi perlu dihilangkan. Separasi ini ditandai dengan penurunan tekanan yang besar pada bagian hilir belokan pipa. Untuk memperkecil penurunan tekanan pada belokan pipa diperlukan suatu alat pengkondisi aliran (flow conditioner) berupa tube bundle (gabungan pipa). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh peletakan tube bundle tersebut terhadap kerugian head yang berupa penurunan tekanan. Belokan pipa yang diuji dipasang pada instalasi pipa yang telah dilengkapi alat bantu pengujian seperti komputer dengan software-nya, pressure transmitter, dan rotameter. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah jarak peletakan tube bundle dari sisi keluaran belokan pipa 2D, 3D, 4D dan 5D serta %K Head loss %K tube bundle %K elbow. %U http://puslit2.petra.ac.id/ejournal/index.php/mes/article/view/18043