%0 Journal Article %T WHAT IS INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE? %A Maria Am¨¦lia Teixeira da Silva %J Biblionline %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal da Para¨ªba %X The research takes a bibliographical and exploratory and consisted of a broad theoretical framework about the issues of Information Architecture and Information Architecture for the Web, listing the definitions, methodologies and assumptions as measured by several researchers. Aims to clarify concepts and terms about what becomes of Information Architecture for Web, aiming to disseminate information within this theme, since it has been hard enough on entering various areas of knowledge, whether in Information Science, Communication, Library Design, and human-computer interaction and others. %K Information Archtecture %K Web %K Design %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/biblio/article/viewFile/7535/5801