%0 Journal Article %T La gesti車 del pr谷stec per a exposicions del fons patrimonial del CRAI Biblioteca Pavell車 de la Rep迆blica de la Universitat de Barcelona %A Prades %A M. Lourdes %A Font %A M辰nica %A Mart赤nez %A L赤dia %A Giralt %A Olga %J BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentaci車 %D 2012 %I Universitat de Barcelona %R 10.1344/105.000001826 %X La Universitat de Barcelona t谷 la voluntat de difondre el fons patrimonial dipositat a les biblioteques del CRAI. Davant l'augment de la demanda d'aquest fons en pr谷stec, tant per a exposicions nacionals com internacionals, es fa necess角ria l'elaboraci車 d'un protocol per una millor organitzaci車 d'aquest proc谷s. A partir d'aquest protocol, que esdev谷 una eina que guia l'actuaci車 dels professionals, s'enforteix la imatge de la instituci車 que ha de ser en tot moment seriosa, rigorosa i professional. El pr谷stec per a exposicions d'aquest tipus de material fomenta la seva visibilitat i promou la seva conservaci車 i difusi車. Aix赤 doncs, el CRAI Biblioteca Pavell車 de la Rep迆blica esdev谷 un referent tant per la Universitat de Barcelona com pel conjunt de biblioteques universit角ries i patrimonials.The University of Barcelona aims to disseminate the heritage collections deposited in the libraries of the CRAI. Faced by an increased demand for the borrowing of collections for both national and international exhibitions, the need to draw up a protocol for a better organization of this process has become evident. Thanks to this protocol, which serves as a tool for guiding the actions of professionals, the image of the library as a serious, rigorous and professional institution is strengthened. Loans for exhibitions of this type of material promote their visibility and foster their conservation and dissemination. In this way the CRAI Biblioteca Pavell車 de la Rep迆blica has become a point of reference not only for the University of Barcelona but for all university and heritage libraries. %K Academic libraries %K Special libraries %K Archival heritage %K Bibliographic heritage %K Book exhibitions %K Loan services %K Collective memory %K Universitat de Barcelona. Biblioteca del Pavell車 de la Rep迆blica %U http://www.ub.edu/bid/28/prades1.htm