%0 Journal Article %T An Algorithm for Real-Time Blind Image Quality Comparison and Assessment %A Ehsan Ollah Sheybani %J International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering %D 2012 %I %R 10.11591/ijece.v2i1.112 %X This research aims at providing means to image comparison from different image processing algorithms for performance assessment purposes. Reconstruction of images corrupted by blur and noise requires specialized filtering techniques. Due to the immense effect of these corruptive parameters, it is often impossible to evaluate the quality of a reconstructed image produced by one technique versus another. The algorithm presented here is capable of performing this comparison analytically and quantitatively at a low computational cost (real-time) and high efficiency. The parameters used for comparison are the degree of blurriness, information content, and the amount of various types of noise associated with the reconstructed image. Based on a heuristic analysis of these parameters the algorithm assesses the reconstructed image and quantify the quality of the image by characterizing important aspects of visual quality. Extensive effort has been set forth to obtain real-world noise and blur conditions so that the various test cases presented here could justify the validity of this approach well. The tests performed on the database of images produced valid results for the algorithms consistently. This paper presents the description and validation (along with test results) of the proposed algorithm for blind image quality assessment. %U http://www.iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJECE/article/view/112