%0 Journal Article %T REQUIREMENTS OF WALNUT TREE (JUGLANS REGIA) TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. EVALUATION OF LANDS FOR CULTURE OF WALNUT WITH EXAMPLES IN THE CURVATURE SUBCARPATHIANS HILLS %A Cristinel Putinica %J Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X Walnut tree (Juglans regia) is one of the cultivated tree species that was known and cultivated for a long time. The paper presents the optimum conditions for walnut growth, and attempts to elaborate qualityevaluation criteria, according to the Romanian system of land quality classification for different crops. Quality scores are attributed according to the specific landscape conditions. The system is evaluated with the help of three case studies. %K walnut tree %K evaluation %K quality %K scores %U http://factori.soilscience.ro/index.php/fspdzt/article/view/471/385