%0 Journal Article %T La Biblioteca de la Mem¨°ria : 10 anys, 100 testimonis. Una experi¨¨ncia de la Biblioteca Central d'Igualada %A Miret i Sol¨¦ %A M. Teresa %J BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentaci¨® %D 2012 %I Universitat de Barcelona %R 10.1344/105.000001824 %X La Biblioteca de la Mem¨°ria ¨¦s un projecte de la Biblioteca Central d'Igualada plantejat l'any 2000 per a la recerca, recollida, conservaci¨® i divulgaci¨® de testimonis personals. L'article exposa aquesta experi¨¨ncia, les diverses l¨ªnies d'actuaci¨® que s'han seguit, les dificultats en el desenvolupament del projecte i algunes consideracions pr¨¤ctiques per aconseguir els objectius seg¨¹ents: ampliar la col¡¤lecci¨® local, generar nova informaci¨®, conservar la mem¨°ria hist¨°rica de la vida quotidiana i les experi¨¨ncies personals, facilitar estudis posteriors i dinamitzar la biblioteca com a punt de trobada de persones i entitats. La qualitat de proximitat de les biblioteques p¨²bliques ha estat clau en l'evoluci¨® del projecte perqu¨¨ ha facilitat la implicaci¨® d'entitats i de persones a promoure la recerca i el recull de testimonis.The Memory Library is a project that has been organised by the Central Library of Igualada since 2000 for the research, collection, preservation and dissemination of personal testimonies. The article presents this experience, the various lines of action that have been taken, the difficulties in undertaking the project and some practical considerations aimed at fulfilling the following objectives: expanding the local collection, generating new information, preserving the historical memory of everyday life and personal experiences, facilitating further studies and promoting the library as a meeting point for individuals and organizations. The quality of proximity offered by the public libraries has been a key element in the evolution of the project since it has facilitated the involvement of organizations and individuals wishing to promote the research and collection of testimonies. %K Archival heritage %K Local collections %K Central libraries %K History %K Public libraries %K Collective memory %K Memory %K Biblioteca Central d'Igualada %U http://www.ub.edu/bid/28/miret1.htm