%0 Journal Article %T Omeka : exposicions virtuals i distribuci車 de col.leccions digitals %A Alcaraz Mart赤nez %A Rub谷n %J BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentaci車 %D 2012 %I Universitat de Barcelona %R 10.1344/105.000001828 %X Es presenten les principals caracter赤stiques del programa Omeka, la finalitat del qual 谷s la de crear exposicions virtuals a partir de col.leccions de documents de qualsevol tipologia. Es descriu el proc谷s d'instal.laci車, creaci車, publicaci車, consulta i visualitzaci車 de documents, col.leccions i exposicions i es mostren diferents exemples d'implementacions. La versi車 analitzada 谷s la 1.4.1, l'迆ltima disponible al web del projecte. L'objectiu 谷s mostrar una primera aproximaci車 al programa i destacar-ne les principals funcionalitats.This paper presents the main features of the Omeka program, the aim of which is to create virtual exhibitions from collections of documents of any kind. It describes the installation, creation, publication, consultation and visualization of documents, collections and exhibitions and provides examples of various implementations. The version analysed - 1.4.1 is the latest and is available at the project web site. The aim is to provide an introduction to the programme and to highlight its main functions. %K Book exhibitions %K Virtual exhibitions %K Computer programs %K Free software %U http://www.ub.edu/bid/28/alcaraz1.htm