%0 Journal Article %T RESTRICTIVE FACTORS OF PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY OF LAND IN CARAS - SEVERIN COUNTY AND ITS RECOVERY MEASURES %A R. Bertici %A Irina Tarau %A Clara Tudor %A Liliana Brei %J Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone %D 2011 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X The paper presents some aspects concerning land quality in Caras-Severin county. The addressed issues regard an area of 851,976 ha of which 398,043 ha of agricultural land,, located in western Romania and representing a total of 77 cadastral territories. Using the data obtained from pedological studies and researches conducted by specialists from OSPA Timisoara and materialized in ˇ°Banat soils mapˇ±, updated in 1999 and 2003 with new pedological studies (carried out by O.S.P.A. Timi oara,) and also with data gathered from the agricultural and forest sites of the national monitoring system (organized by I.C.P.A. Bucharest), the following aspects regarding land quality can be presented: the identification of land pretability in order to establish their most adequate way of use ,the identification of land favorability for different crops, the identification of land production capacity for different usings and crops when certain technologies are used, defining lands depending on the amelioration and conservation tillages. The examination of eco-pedological conditions was conducted according to The Pedological Studies Elaboration Methodologyˇ°, (vol. I,II,III) of ICPA Bucharest, in 1987 and Romanian Soil Taxonomy System (SRTS-2003). %K restrictive factors %K productive capacity %K recovery measures %U http://factori.soilscience.ro/index.php/fspdzt/article/view/178/106